jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Arriving in England: Practical Do's and Dont's


Here is some practical advice that you will need when you first visit the UK. Have a look at the video too!


Look right!
Remember, cars in England drive on the left hand side, and this means that you need to look at the right when you cross most streets, instead of looking left and then right. Anyway, it’s best to always look both sides before crossing wherever you are!
Stand in line:
Wait patiently for your turn e.g. boarding a bus. It is usual to queue when required, and expected that you will take your correct turn and not push in front. ‘Queue jumping’ is not acceptable in the UK!
Ask for directions
British people generally like to give directions.
Say “Excuse Me”:
A good trick here:If someone is blocking your way and you would like them to move, say excuse me and they will move out of your way.
Pay as you order your drinks:
Pay for drinks as you order them in pubs and other types of bars. Otherwise they will think you are trying to get away without paying!
Say “Please” and “Thank you” a lot:
It is very good manners to say “please” and “thank you“. It is considered rude if you don’t. In England they say ‘thank you’ a lot.
Shake Hands: 
When you are first introduced to someone, shake their right hand with your own right hand.
Say sorry:
If you accidentally bump into someone, say ’sorry’. They probably will too, even if it was your fault!
A smiling face is a welcoming face.
Open doors for other people
It is polite to hold the door until the next person can hold it themselves.


Don’t  be late! It is true, British people are very punctual.

Don’t  talk loudly in public. You will make people uncomfortable!
Don’t think that nobody can understand you. A lot of Britons have lived abroad and can understand Spanish.
Don’t throw any rubbish or cigarette puffs on the floor in the street or anywhere. You will have a fine of 80£ and they will catch you!! . Police is all around
Don’t steal from shops! there are cameras and guards everywhere (small shops, big department stores and steet markets) even if you don’t see them.
Don’t stare at people
. Looking at people for longer than a second or so is rude.
Do not greet people with a kiss
. We only kiss people who are close friends and relatives.
Don't be surprised if someone you don’t really know calls you love, dear, or darling. This is normal in th UK!
Here is a video filmed by an American student in London with some survival tips: 

What are the do's and dont's in Spain ?

Would you like to make a video about it?

1 comentario:

  1. Muchas gracias por la información, hay cosas que nunca hubiera dicho!! Habrá que tener cuidado con el hablar muy alto, que los españoles casi nunca nos damos cuenta, y también con lo de colarse!!!
